Proximity Safety
RF fencing technology for worker safety

Safety of workers is of paramount importance at every construction site. In areas where workers and large machinery have to work together, an effective safety system is required to keep your workers away from any unwanted injurires.
Our Proximity Safety system includes:
Alarm system mounted on vehicles or machinery Ÿ
Safe tag assigned to every personnel in the construction site
Hence, a 360-degree detection around vehicles can be set up as a danger zone to prevent unwanted collision.
Every personnel who have a safe tag will be detected and alerted by the system when they enter the danger zone.
Prevent Accidental Collision
In aim to reduce the chance of vehicle-to-vehicle collision and human-to-vehicle collision and hence to prevent any loss due to accidental injuries
Create a Safe Construction Site
Providing a reliable and safe working environment in hopes
of achieve the highest possible productivity from the workers and the machinery


Significantly reduce the risk of accidental collision when vehicles work in close proximity to pedestrian
Fits to all types of vehicle as to ensure high compatibility
Comprehensive protection to minimize unnecessary injuries

Prevent unnecessary vehicle collision in high mobility construction site
Reducing the needs of vehicle repair and maintenance due to accident
Operation Specification
360°Detection with
Adjustable Coverage
Multiple Persons Detection

Alarm Warning
Operator Shielding
Power Supply
Dual Frequency Model
2.4GHz Zone
A zone that set up by the signal of the tag(transponder)carried by worker

125kHz Low Frequency (LF) Wake Up Zone​
Dual Frequency Reader installed on the machine will continuously emit LF Wake-up Signals (“LFW”) to form an alert zone
Worker A
This worker is outside of the alert zone
The tag on this worker is in Sleep Mode
No 2.4GHz signal is released
Worker A
Worker A enters the alert zone
The tag on this worker is awaked by LF signal
The tag automatically releases 2.4GHz signal as a response and trigger the alarm

Dual-frequency Reader
Dual-frequency: Talk-125 kHz (LF) , Listen-2.4 GHz
Multi-Tag Reading: 500 Transponders
Reading Range: 3-9 meters
A set of Dual-frequency Integrated Readers (“Reader Set”) will be installed on each machine.
The Reader talks with LFW and listens to 2.4AR.
The Reader Set continuously emits LFW to form a Wake-Up Zone.
Any transponders entering the Wake-Up will be detected and awaked.


Safe Tag
Dual-frequency: Listen-125 kHz (LF) , Talk-2.4 GHz
Omni-directional Detection
Reading Range: 100m (Token form); 120m (Card form)
Safe Tag acts as a transponder which listens LFW from Readers and response with 2.4AR.
Each SafeTag bears a unique TagID and being assigned to every personnel entering the site area.

Control Unit

Control Unit
A Control Unit is installed on each machine as the data and command center. All members of the Reader Set and the Alarm are connected to the Control Unit for DC power supply and commands. It also contains a Driver Slot for the driver to place his SafeTag.
An audible visual alarm should be installed near the operator compartment. It will provide a warning to each pedestrian
and vehicle approaching.

Alert Zone
An Alert Zone is formed by the Reader Set installed in the corresponding machine.
The size of Alert Zone is defined by the coverage of Wake-up Zone.
2.4AR will be sent from the SafeTag to trigger the Alarm once the tag enters this Alert Zone.